材料: material的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...批准: ratify; sanction; approve新材料的批准: approval of new materials对材料修补的批准: approval of material repairs新材料: advanced materials; new chemical material; new materials; pst15-3新材料技术: new material technology新材料评价: evaluation of new materials新材料试验: new material test新材料要求: advance material requirement材料的: material化工新材料局: new chemical material department化工新材料业: new material &chemicals材料的耗费: inventory charge材料的获得: procurement of material材料的价值: materials value材料的列单: listing of materials材料的疲劳: fatigue of material材料的强度: strength of material材料的蠕变: creep材料的特性: properties of materials材料的形状: form of material材料的性质: the material properties材料的验收: acceptance of material材料的整理: arrangement of material