Different from its tear - jerking counterparts , this movie does not contain any hackneyed plot twist at all . director lee jung - hyang employs a documentary style to survey the two protagonists 李廷香找来两个从未有电影演出经验的人来担当本片男女主角,效果不俗。
Different from its tear - jerking counterparts , this movie does not contain any hackneyed plot twist at all . director lee jung - hyang employs a documentary style to survey the two protagonists 李廷香找来两个从未有电影演出经验的人来担当本片男女主角,效果不俗。
Director lee jung - hyang employs a documentary style to survey the two protagonists . routine activities like cooking and hair trimming are well captured that stir up some funny moments . the most important thing is that , you won t feel that the actors are trying to " act out " their parts , they just perform so natural and real 和一般同类剧情片不同的是,女导演李廷香没有大放催泪弹,不打典型陈套的亲情牌,也不夸张炮制造作的剧情,而是以有点近乎记录片的手法作实录式拍摄,例如煮饭剪发乘车探病等,都不过是一些生活琐事,观众不会觉得演员是在做戏,戏味却从富实感的人物的一举一动慢慢渗溢出来。
The theme of the story is obvious , it aims at telling us the importance of love through the interaction of the kid and his granny . not only should we value our elder family members , we should also learn how to appreciate the beauty of nature . the austere and primitive life in the rural area may seem dull at first glance , but if you try to sit back and relax , you will be able to discover the preciousness of nature and simplicity 和一般同类剧情片不同的是,女导演李廷香没有大放催泪弹,不打典型陈套的亲情牌,也不夸张炮制造作的剧情,而是以有点近乎记录片的手法作实录式拍摄,例如煮饭、剪发、乘车、探病等,都不过是一些生活琐事,观众不会觉得演员是在做戏,戏味却从富实感的人物的一举一动慢慢渗溢出来。
The theme of the story is obvious , it aims at telling us the importance of love through the interaction of the kid and his granny . not only should we value our elder family members , we should also learn how to appreciate the beauty of nature . the austere and primitive life in the rural area may seem dull at first glance , but if you try to sit back and relax , you will be able to discover the preciousness of nature and simplicity 和一般同类剧情片不同的是,女导演李廷香没有大放催泪弹,不打典型陈套的亲情牌,也不夸张炮制造作的剧情,而是以有点近乎记录片的手法作实录式拍摄,例如煮饭、剪发、乘车、探病等,都不过是一些生活琐事,观众不会觉得演员是在做戏,戏味却从富实感的人物的一举一动慢慢渗溢出来。
李: plum plum a surname香: fragrant; sweet-smelling; ar ...刘廷香: liu tingxiang李廷彬: lee joung-binn李廷栋: li tingdong; tingdong li李廷甫: lee jung bo; lee jung-bo李廷国: jeong-kuk lee; lee jung-gook李廷焕: rhie jung han; rhie jung-han李廷机: li tingji李廷坚: ting-chien lee李廷魁: tingkui li李廷武: lee jung moo; lee jung-moo李廷秀: tingxiu li李廷镇: jeong-jin lee李廷芝: li tingzhi李廷麟: lee jung in; lee jung-in李庭堡图样: lichtenberg's figure