Meantime , through the analyses of " infinite extension of rights " and " finite extension of rights " , the author thinks " finite extension of rights " should be adopted in our country and other developing countries . considering the social interests , benefits of layout - design ' s authors , interests of developing countries and renewal of integrated circuit technology , the author points out that 10 years in protection of layout - design is somewhat long 在权利内容方面,复制权和商业利用权的规定也颇有特色,而且,在当今世界,存在着权利效力范围的“权利有限延伸论”和“权利无限测申论”之争,无论从集成电路发展的状况,还是从布图设计权产生的条件,我国及广大发展中国家都应采“权利有限延伸论” 。