First two were minnows - smaii - time messengers 先是两个传信的微不足道的小杂鱼
Continuous effort is being made in promoting the use of pellet feed to replace trash fish , traditional feed for aquaculture 渔护署亦继续致力推广使用颗粒鱼粮,以取代水产养殖业传统所用的杂鱼。
In recent years , with the department s effort , an increasing number of marine fish farmers have switched to moist or dry pellet feed which reduces pollution and improves both feed efficiency and fish health 传统上,养殖场均以杂鱼喂饲海鱼。近年,在渔农自然护理署推动下,有更多海鱼养殖户改用湿式或乾式粒料。
They fly north again in april or may . the undisturbed natural environment of the tsengwen estuary , and the abundant tilapia and crucian carp of chiku s vast fish farms , provide the spoonbills with a suitable overwintering habitat 曾文溪口自然不吵杂的栖息环境,以及广大的七股渔瘟中俗称下杂鱼的吴郭鱼鲫鱼,提供了黑面琵鹭食宿无虞的渡冬环境。
In recent years , with the department s extension effort , increasing number of marine fish farmers have changed over to use moist or dry pellet feed which significantly reduce pollution caused by fish feed and improves both the feed efficiency as well as fish health 传统上,养殖的海鱼均以杂鱼喂饲,但近年来,随著本署的推介,愈来愈多海鱼养殖户改用湿式或乾式颗粒鱼粮。
杂鱼的法语:poisson de rebut poisson sans valeur杂鱼的俄语:непромысловые виды рыб сорная рыба рыбный прилов杂鱼的阿拉伯语:سمك النفاية؛ أسماك غير مرغوبة; سمك عديم القيمة;