

  • random fluctuating data
  • 杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a j ...
  • 起伏:    rise and fall; ups and downs ...
  • 数据:    data; record; information
  • 起伏数据:    fluctuating data; fluctuation data
  • 随机起伏数据:    randomly fluctuating data


        杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a j ...
        起伏:    rise and fall; ups and downs ...
        数据:    data; record; information
        起伏数据:    fluctuating data; fluctuation data
        随机起伏数据:    randomly fluctuating data
        伏数:    voltage
        杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; disorder; mussiness 桌子上的东西很杂乱。 the things on the table were all in a jumble
        千伏数:    kilovoltage
        起伏:    rise and fall; ups and downs; heave rolling; undulate; fluctuate 起伏不平的地形 a wavy terrain; 起伏的波涛 theheaving billows; 关系起伏 ebb and flow of the relations; ups and downs in the relations; 山峦起伏。 the mountain ranges rise and fall
        起伏升降的数据统计:    the statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation
        但你紊乱起来:    but you messed it up
        到处, 杂乱:    all over the shop
        使杂乱:    shag
        喧闹;杂乱:    clutter
        杂乱dna:    promiscuous dna
        杂乱的:    cluttered; disordered; hugger-mugger; immethodical; indigested; littery; mussy; promiscuous; raggle-taggle; random; scrambled; tanglesome; thick; wild
        杂乱地:    hugger-mugger; intricately; mussily; promiscuously
        杂乱声:    fuzz
        杂乱性:    confusion
        每公尺的微伏数:    microvolts per meter
        波动,起伏:    fluctuate v. vary from one form or state to another; fluctuation
        大起伏:    megarelief
        等起伏:    equal ripple
        电起伏:    electric fluctuation
        起伏比:    fluctuation ratio


  1. "杂乱脉冲干扰"英文
  2. "杂乱脉冲于拢"英文
  3. "杂乱毛石"英文
  4. "杂乱拼凑的库"英文
  5. "杂乱铺网"英文
  6. "杂乱闪光"英文
  7. "杂乱声"英文
  8. "杂乱生产"英文
  9. "杂乱时间分布"英文
  10. "杂乱图像"英文


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