Sport - specific conditioning - functional cardio - efficiency -心肺效率机能性锻
Functional space maintainer 机能性间隙保持器
He was observed with lower limb length discrepancy and functional scoliosis 在治疗方面我们只采取垫高左脚鞋跟来改善其机能性脊柱侧弯的问题。
Canadian presentations were given in both taipei and hsinchu , and were very well attended 许多健康护理专家,均已将机能性食品列入健康饮食的菜单中。
Synthesis of functional polymer material , fine chemicals , modification of polymer surface , conductive polymer and nano materials 机能性高分子材料合成,特用化学品之合成,高分子表面之改质,导电性高分子材料及奈米材料。