机灵: clever; smart; sharp; intell ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...孩子: child机灵的: alert; argute; clever; gumptious; shrewdly非常机灵的: sharp as a needle机灵的,狡猾的: schlau机灵的人: downy bird机灵的头脑: an ingenious machine天才的;机灵的: ingenious机灵的拳击手: powder-puff找油机灵的人: bird dog就象这机灵的箭: like the elf-arrow六条机灵的鲨鱼: six sharsmart sharks行动迅速的, 机灵的: quick on the trigger抱养的孩子: adopted child hang together吵闹的孩子: the noisy city沉睡的孩子: enfant endormi, l'; sleeping child吃奶的孩子: a sucking child宠坏的孩子: a spoiled child聪明的孩子: a clever boy单纯的孩子: my favorite song调皮的孩子: a naughty child懂事的孩子: a sensible child烦躁的孩子: a fretful child防备的孩子: kids with guns