Healing wards cannot heal the mechanical units now 治疗守卫现在无法回复机械单位的生命。
Beton spends some resource to repair a buliding or a mechanical unit 比顿耗费些许资源并修复一个建筑物或机械单位。
Rock golem now can throw stone to the mechanical units , and the ability ' s shortcut changed to r 岩石傀儡( 14洞内、雇佣兵营地内)的投石技能可以对机械单位使用了,并更改其快捷键为r 。
Fixed a problem with goblin zeppelins being considered undead instead of mechanical in custom reign of chaos maps 修正了地精飞艇(机械单位)在自定义的混乱之治地图中被识别为不死单位的问题。
Universal spells can work against anything , and cannot be dispelled . they include ultimates and healing spells . some universal spells cannot work with mechanical units 通用类技能可以作用于任何单位,不能驱散。包括所有的治疗法术和英雄终极技能。 ! !某些! !通用类技能不能作用于机械单位。