机构: mechanism间: space in between; opening特派: specially appointed团: dumpling西非问题机构间特派团: inter-agency mission to west africa机构间东加勒比驻地特派团: inter-agency resident mission for the eastern caribbean派驻黎巴嫩的机构间需要评估特派团: inter-agency needs assessment mission to lebanon特派团: amis; minustah; sonderbeauftragtendelegation f机构间特别工作小组: inter-agency task force机构间特设裁军小组: hoc inter-agency grouon disarmament家庭年机构间特别会议: hoc inter-agency meeting on the year of the family埃厄特派团: unmee波黑特派团: minubh长期特派团: mission of long duration调查特派团: surveymission非布特派团: amib非盟特派团: african union mission in darfur联阿特派团: unsma联安特派团: unma联刚特派团: monuc联海特派团: unmih联科特派团: minuci联塞特派团: unamsil欧警特派团: eupm特派团团长: head of the special mission