机会: chance; opportunity机遇: favourable circumstances; op ...难: catastrophe; calamity; disas ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...机会机遇: opportunities社会机会: social opportunities社会机会成本: social opportunity cost机会,机遇;可能性: chance乘船遇难的人: castaway社会机会成本率: social opportunity cost rate遇难船乘船遇难的人: castaway遇难的英国海员: distressed british seaman使其船只遇难的女海妖: siren遇难船乘船遇难的人漂流物: castaway遇难: 1.(意外死亡) die in an accident2.(被杀害) be murdered◇遇难船 castaway; wreck; the ship in distress机遇: [书面语] (好的境遇;机会) favourable circumstances; opportunity 错过机遇 balk an opportunity; 利用机遇 capitalize on one's opportunity; 抓住机遇 grasp every new opportunity; 一天清晨机遇来了。 the opportunity came early one morning难的: difficult; hardy; hrd遇难船,遇难: wreck机会: chance; opportunity 错过机会 lose a chance; 借此机会 take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to; 放弃机会 throw away one's chance; 抓住机会 seize a chance; 千载难逢的好机会 a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime; 高兴有机会访问贵国 be pleased to have the opportunity of visiting your country; 我没有给他说话的机会。 i didn't give him a chance to say a word. 他没有脱身机会。 he had no chance to get away. 你的机会来了。 here is a chance for you社会机构: social framework失事,遇难: shipwreck遇难船: castaway; distressed vessel; doomed vessel; shiin distress; shipwreck; wrecking遇难港: port of distress机遇地: stochastically机遇号: opportunity rover