葵花: sunflower向: direction太阳: the sun朵朵红花向太阳-歌舞: red flowers exposed to the sun葵花向着太阳: sunflowers turn towards the sun. take the part of葵花朵朵: the sun flowers奔向太阳: run to the sun飞向太阳: into the sun向太阳地: sunward指向太阳: solar pointing走向太阳: working towards the sun奔向太阳之路: going-to-the-sun road全向太阳电池: omnidirectional solar cell向太阳方向地: sunwards向太阳致敬式: solution to the sun向太阳倾斜错觉: lean-on-the-sun illusion朵朵: dolaimi; huaer-duoduo; sandy葵花: (向日葵) sunflower 朵朵葵花向太阳。 sunflowers turn towards the sun.; 葵花油 sunflower oil; 葵花子 sunflower seeds花向晚: gmxc治愈我的创伤带领我走向太阳: to heal my wounds to lead me to the sun向太空: spaceward朵朵开: ajonclub; dj jj remix; house130落朵朵: red-sky一朵朵: dj-sunny-remix; melody-cwawa锦葵花: mallow flowers