

  • austerity
  • 朴素:    simple; plain
  • 艰苦:    arduous; difficult; hard; to ...
  • 艰苦朴素:    be plain in one's style of living; live in a plain and hardworking way; hardworking and plain-living
  • 平生艰苦朴素:    live simply and work hard all one's life
  • 朴素:    simple; plain 衣着朴素 simply dressed; 朴素的感情 simple feeling; 朴素唯物主义 naive materialism


        朴素:    simple; plain
        艰苦:    arduous; difficult; hard; to ...
        艰苦朴素:    be plain in one's style of living; live in a plain and hardworking way; hardworking and plain-living
        平生艰苦朴素:    live simply and work hard all one's life
        朴素:    simple; plain 衣着朴素 simply dressed; 朴素的感情 simple feeling; 朴素唯物主义 naive materialism
        这位老干部仍然保持着艰苦朴素的作风:    this veteran cadre still remains his philosophy of hard work and plain living
        艰苦:    arduous; difficult; hard; tough 艰苦创业 pioneer an enterprise with painstaking efforts; 艰苦的斗争 arduous struggle; 艰苦的生活 hard life; 在艰苦的条件下 under arduous conditions; 艰苦的环境能磨炼人的意志。 difficult circumstances can temper one's will
        简单,朴素:    simplicity
        朴素的:    austere a; chaste; frugal; homely; homemade; humble; modest; naive; native; plain; primitive; rustic; sober; somber; thrifty; unadorned; unostentatious; unpretentious; unsophisticated
        朴素地:    plainly; quietly; rustically; semplice; unostentatiously
        朴素美:    sol-mi park
        艰苦的:    arduous; hard; harsh; laborious(labor); severe; tough; trying; uphill
        穿得很朴素:    simply dressed
        穿得朴素:    dress simply
        简单的,朴素的:    simple
        朴素贝叶斯:    naive bayes
        朴素的感情:    simple feeling
        朴素的女子:    a homely woman
        朴素的认识:    initial understanding
        朴素的制服:    a neat uniform dress etc
        朴素地生活:    lead a simple life
        朴素估计:    naive prediction
        朴素和正规:    idealism 2 realism 2 romanticism . simplicity and regularity of style or form
        朴素集合论:    naive set theory
        朴素建筑:    severe architecture


  1. "朴斯茅茨式球阀"英文
  2. "朴寺"英文
  3. "朴松圭"英文
  4. "朴松实"英文
  5. "朴素"英文
  6. "朴素贝叶斯"英文
  7. "朴素的"英文
  8. "朴素的,(人)正经的"英文
  9. "朴素的辩证法"英文
  10. "朴素的的四合院"英文


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