本: I stem or root of plants旨: purport; purpose; aim本智: sosome本值: eigenverte本智周万物夹渣由金属本身引成: endogenousslaginclusion本直: motonao本质: 1.[哲学] (事物的内部联系) essence2.(原来的品质; 素质) nature; innate character; intrinsic quality 本质差别 an essential distinction; 在本质上 at heart; 本质方面 an essential aspect; 非本质方面 a nonessential aspect; 本质和现象 the essence and the outward appearance; 透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to the essence; 这两样东西外表上相同, 但本质上不同。 the two things are the same in outward form but different in essence 本职业务: one's own field of endeavour本质;遁辞: quiddity本职技能: class skill本质安全: intrinsic safety本职: one's job; one's duty 做好本职工作 do one's own job well; 本职业务 one's own field of endeavour