

  • final stage of decay


        末期:    last phase; final phase; las ...
        腐朽:    rotten; decayed; punk
        阶段:    stage; phase; period; gradat ...
        初期腐朽阶段:    incipient stage of decay
        后期腐朽阶段:    advanced stage of decay
        中期腐朽阶段:    intermediate stage of decay
        末期腐朽:    final decay
        初期腐朽:    incipient decay
        后期腐朽:    final decay destruction stage
        后期腐朽(重腐):    final decay; destruction stage
        中期腐朽:    intermediate decay
        衰朽阶段:    age of decline
        在此阶段的末期:    at the end of this period; attheendofthisperiod
        腐朽:    1.(木料等由于长期风吹、雨淋或微生物侵害而破坏) rotten; decayed; punk 这些木材已经腐朽了。 the timber has rotted.2.(比喻陈腐; 堕落; 败坏) decadent; degenerate 腐朽的论断 degenerate assertion; 腐朽思想 decadent ideology [ideas]; 腐朽庸俗的作风 decadent and philistine ways; 腐朽糜烂的生活 decadent and dissolute life
        末期:    1.(最后的一段时期) last phase; final phase; last stage 春秋末期 end of the spring and autumn period; 19世纪末期 towards the end of the nineteenth century; 抗战末期 the last stage of the anti-japanese war2.[细胞] telephase; telophase; telocinesia; tail end
        初期腐烂:    incipient decay
        后期腐烂:    advanced decay
        早期腐烂:    incipient decay
        腐朽(木材):    rot
        腐朽;腐蚀:    decay
        腐朽;朽木:    punk
        腐朽材:    decay knot wood; decay wood; rotted wood; rotten timber
        腐朽的:    klunky; rotten
        腐朽节:    decay knot ;rotten knot; rotten knot
        腐朽菌:    rot fungi


  1. "末期的"英文
  2. "末期的疾病"英文
  3. "末期调整"英文
  4. "末期动态"英文
  5. "末期腐朽"英文
  6. "末期复制"英文
  7. "末期改进"英文
  8. "末期干燥"英文
  9. "末期感染"英文
  10. "末期股利"英文


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