在: exist; be living巴士: bus站: stand; be on one's feet停车: stop; pull upjane在巴士站等你: jane is waiting for you at the bus stop巴士站: bus stop; bus, jeong ryu-jang未经准直的: cucollimated; uncollimated巴士站上盖: bus stop shelter; bus stoshelter观光巴士站: tourbusstop层站停车: landing stop巴士站遮盖物: bus stoshelter麟 - 情缘巴士站: djhai remix端站停车开关: terminal stipping switch巴士站牌在那里: where is the bus stop(taxi stand巴士停车场: bus lay-by巴士停车处: bus bay车站停车断面图: station stop profile下一站停车十分钟: the next station we'll have a ten minute stop. park终点站停车时间: layover time宝宝落在巴士上了: the one with the baby on the bus巴士站乘客互动信息板: interactive passenger information bus stop panels巴士站上盖兴建计划: bus shelter provision programme对不起〔因未获准许而作某事的道歉语〕。: by-your-leave站停止, 站停用: station deactivation准许: admission to; admittance; allowance; approval; clearing; clear(or cleared); give permission; give the green light; goahead; guesswork; permits; permittance; to allow; to grant; to permit