未知数: unknown number unknown; unce ...消除: eliminate; dispel; remove; c ...法: law未知数消去: elimination of unknowns消元法, 未知数消去法: elimination of unknowns择多解未知数消元法: majority unknown elimination未知数: 1.[数学] unknown number2.(不确定) unknown; uncertain 学院今年的春运会是否开还是个未知数。 it's still uncertain whether the college spring sports will be held this year未知量 未知数: unknownquantity未知数;未知量: unknown未知的未知数: unknown unknowns独立未知数: independent unknown多余未知数: nuisance unknown; redundant unknown未知数的权: weight of unknown未知数量: unknown quantity一个未知数: an unknown number消除法: method of elimination; null method已知的未知数: known unknowns来世仍然是未知数: eternities still unsaid希腊字母α,未知数: alpha消去一个未知数: eliminate an unknown quantity斑点消除法: spot removal method差值消除法: differential cancellation回波消除法: ecm echo cancellation method节点消除法: node removal method酶促消除法: enzymatic removal