未来: coming; approaching; next; f ...社会: society评论: comment on; discuss; make co ...社会评论: critica sociale; tarsadalmi szemle法律与社会评论: law & society review经济与社会评论: revue economique et social专业成熟与未来社会工作: professional maturation and工会评论: przeglad zwiazkowy议会评论: revue parlementaire东方教会评论: eastern churches review非洲教会评论: african ecclesiastical review项目社会评价: project's social value appraisal阿布扎比商会评论: abu dhabi chamber of commerce review非洲人协会评论: african association review国际新闻学会评论: ipi rundschau拉美经委会评论: cepal review罗马天主教会评论: tablet the; tablet, the普世基督教会评论: ecumenical review巴基斯坦共济会评论: pakistan masonic review the; pakistan masonic review, the工业与应用数学学会评论: siam review国际法学家委员会评论: review of the international commission of jurists英国工业联合会评论: fbi review the; fbi review, the英国碳化物研究协会评论: bcra review; british carbonization research association review社会的评论: repute社会学评论: japanese sociological review; sociological review