未: did not; have not接: come into contact with; come ...重要: important; significant; majo ...记事: keep a record of events; mak ...重要记事: orgz_appointmn appointments重要记事新建条目: orgz_appointne new appointment间接重要性: indirect importance记事: 1.(把事情记录下来) keep a record of events; make a memorandum 刻木结绳记事 keep records by notching wood or tying knots2.(记述历史经过) account; record of events; chronicles未接受: unaccepted未接通: access failure重要: important; significant; major 头等重要 of capital [leading] importance: 越来越重要 increase [grow] in importance; 人品最为重要。 character is of sovereign importance. 这是非常重要的事情。 this is a matter of cardinal significance. 大会对于重要问题的决定, 应由出席并参加表决的会员国2/3多数决定。 decisions of the general assembly on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.; 重要关头 critical juncture; crucial moment; 重要器官 vitals; 重要人物 important figure; prominent personage; very important person; vip; 重要任务 vital task; important mission; 重要因素 key factor; 重要原则 cardinal principle; 重要政策 major policy搭接重叠: head-lap非邻接重复: noncontiguous duplication间接重量法: indirect gravimetric method拼接重组体: splice recombinant衔接重复: tandem duplication; tandem repeat直接重氮黑: direct diazo black直接重量法: direct gravimetric method记事薄: book of record; book records记事本: agenda; note book; notepad; tickler; wordpad记事表: calendar; docket; fact sheet记事簿: agendum; blotter; logbook; memo pad; notebook记事册: agenda记事儿: (of a child) begin to remember things 那时我只有五岁, 才记事儿。 i was then only five years old and had just begun to remember things记事卡: date bank