未: did not; have not垦: cultivate; reclaim的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...未垦地: fresh soil; original soil未垦森林带: bushland开垦的费用: costs of clearing围垦的土地: inning未开垦的: incult; unbroken; virgin未垦地,原始土壤: original soil开垦的海涂地: reclaimed tideland未开垦的西部: 54.wild west; wild west已开垦的土地: previously cultivated land绿化未开垦的山坡地: afforest---mu of uncultivated hilly land有关公地开垦的法律, 公地开垦法: homestead law未肯定的危险: risk suspended未克热电效应: seebeck effect未可预测的效应: unpredictable effect未空稿: printed as manuscript未可预卜: cannot foretell未控元件: final control element未可一概而论: must not make sweeping generalizations