未: did not; have not另行: separately; at some other ti ...陈述: state; declare; allege未另行证明: not otherwise shown未有特殊说明,不另行说明,未另行规定: not otherwise specified另行: separately; at some other time 另行安排 be arranged separately; make separate arrangement; 另行通知 be notified later; till further notice陈述: 1.state; declare; allege 陈述的理由 alleged cause; 陈述自己的意见 state one's views2.statement:仅根据他的陈述, 还不能弄清真相。 the truth cannot be known from [on] his statement alone. 这一陈述从未得到证实。 the statement has never been substantiated未另列出: n.o.p. not otherwise provided; not elsewhere providedstated; not otherwise provided未另列明: article not otherwise provided for; not otherwise enumerated未另列名: not otherwise enumerated未另说明: not otherwise specified未另提供: nonot otherwise provided未另作萨: n. e. s. not elsewherel specifie ed未另作说明: n. e. s. not elsewhere specified; n.e.s.notelsewhere ecified不另行规定: not otherwise specified另行安排: make separate arrangement另行发布: promulgated otherwise provided otherwise; promulgated otherwise, provided otherwise另行鉴定: reappraisal另行商定: otherwise agreed另行通告: be announced另行通知: until further notice在另行通知: until further notice未另说明未另作详细说明: not otherwise specified未另特别列出: not specially provided for不再另行规定: nes not elsewhere specified