In the event that deticits of previous fiscal years of a foreign - capital have not been made up , it may not distribute the profits , while the undistnibuted profits of previous fiscal year may be distributed together with the distributable profits of the current fiscal year 外资企业以往会计年度的亏损未弥补前,不得分配利润;以往会计年度未分配的利润,可与本会计年度可供分配的利润一并分配。
未: did not; have not分配: distribution; allocation; as ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...利润: profit可分配的利润: distributable profits; distributive profits已分配的利润: distributed profit可供分配的利润: profit available for distribution可供所有者分配的利润: profit available for distribution to owners可供投资者分配的利润: profit available for distribution to owners未分配的: una ropriated; unallocated; unallotted; unappropriated; undisposed未分配利润: retained earnings; retained profits after appropriation; una ropriated profit; unappropriated profit; undistributed profits / undivided profits; undistributed profits/undivided profits; undivided profit未分配的拨款: unallotted appropriation未分配的股份: unallotted shares未分配的号码: unassigned number未分配利润税: tax on undistributed profit; undistributed profit tax可遂意支配的利润: disposable profit未分配的储备金: undistributed reserve未分配的间接费用: unapplied overhead未分配的盈余额: undistributed surplus未分配的制造费用: unapplied manufacturing expense年初未分配利润: add: undistributed profit at beginning of year年末未分配利润: undistributed profit at end of year期初未分配利润: retained earnings beginning of the year未分配利润来源: undistributed profit未分配的预算, 岁出分配数: unallotted apportionments