

发音:   用"木材采伐证"造句
  • timber licence
  • timberlicence


        木材:    wood; timber; lumber; log; l ...
        采伐:    fell; cut; felling; logging; ...
        :    prove; verify; demonstrate
        木材采伐权:    common of estovers
        木材采伐运输安全通则:    safety code of practice for logging operations
        建筑材采伐权:    right to building timber
        采伐木材:    cut wood
        采伐木材者:    lumber man
        采伐木材证:    timber concession
        木材水力采伐:    liquid cutting of wood
        木材物理力学试材采集方法:    method of sample tree collection for physical and mechanical tests of wood
        欧洲采伐木材协会联合会:    euromine; european federation of the mining timber associations
        采伐:    fell (timber); cut; felling; logging; cutting up; fellage; cut over; harvest cutting 采伐原始森林 open up a primeval forest
        器材采办:    procurement
        燃材采用权:    right to fire wood
        木材:    wood; timber; lumber; log; lignum◇木材厂 timber mill; 木材防虫 wood protection against pest; 木材防腐 wood preservation; 木材干燥 drying of wood; lumber [wood] drying; 木材干燥窑 lumber kiln; 木材工业 timber [wood] industry; 木材加工 wood processing [working]; 木材加工工业 wood processing industry; 木材市场 lumber market; 木材综合利用 integrated utilization of wood
        采伐簿:    felling register; record of cuttings
        采伐地:    clear cut area; felled area; logging area
        采伐点:    cutting section; felling section; stump section
        采伐段:    cutting section; cutting-section
        采伐坏:    felling machinery
        采伐级:    cutting class
        采伐量:    cutting; cut; yield from felling
        采伐龄:    cutting age
        采伐率:    cutting percent


  1. "木材驳船"英文
  2. "木材材积"英文
  3. "木材材种"英文
  4. "木材采伐权"英文
  5. "木材采伐运输安全通则"英文
  6. "木材仓库"英文
  7. "木材测容仪"英文
  8. "木材层积塑料"英文
  9. "木材叉车"英文
  10. "木材产量"英文


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