

发音:   用"木材缺乏"造句
  • timber famine


        木材:    wood; timber; lumber; log; l ...
        缺乏:    be short of; lack; deficienc ...
        木材缺陷:    defect in timber; defect in wood; defects in timber; fault
        木材缺陷图谱:    illustrative plats of defects in wood
        木材疵病 木材缺陷:    defectsintimber
        锯材缺陷:    defects in sawn timber; saw timber defects knot
        轧材缺陷:    wlzfehler shell end mill
        木材:    wood; timber; lumber; log; lignum◇木材厂 timber mill; 木材防虫 wood protection against pest; 木材防腐 wood preservation; 木材干燥 drying of wood; lumber [wood] drying; 木材干燥窑 lumber kiln; 木材工业 timber [wood] industry; 木材加工 wood processing [working]; 木材加工工业 wood processing industry; 木材市场 lumber market; 木材综合利用 integrated utilization of wood
        缺乏:    be short of; lack; deficiency; insufficiency; be wanting in 缺乏常识 be void of common sense; lack common sense; 缺乏经验 lack experience; 缺乏勇气 lack courage; 缺乏信心 be wanting in confidence; 缺乏技能 lack of skill; 缺乏家教 ill-bred; not properly brought up; 缺乏能力 be deficient in ability; 缺乏现金 lack of cash; 缺乏锻炼 lack of exercise (体育的); need tempering (思想的); 缺乏战斗力 have poor fighting capacity; 缺乏劳动力 be short of labour power; 缺乏创造性的作品 works that lacks originality; 缺乏证据 want of proof; absence of proof; 缺乏资金 be deficient in capital; 缺乏资源 be deficient in resources; 他缺乏能力。 he is to seek in ability. 他缺乏礼貌。 he is wanting in courtesy.; 缺乏沉着 insobriety; 缺乏持久性 fugacity; 缺乏抵抗力 irresistance; 缺乏对价 lack of value; absence of consideration; failure of consideration; 缺乏机智 witless; 缺乏纪律 undiscipline; 缺乏教育 ineducation; 缺乏节制 distemperature; insobriety; 缺乏冷静 insobriety; 缺乏力量 impotence; 缺乏练习 out of practice; 缺乏热情 unwelcome; 缺乏人性 impersonality; 缺乏实际经验 inexperience; 缺乏实际内容 tenuity; 缺乏响应性 lack of responsiveness; 缺乏协调 incoordination; 缺乏信心 unsure; 缺乏行为能力 under some incapacity; 缺乏一致[和谐] incorrespondence; dissonance; incorrespondency; 缺乏营养 faulty nutrition; 缺乏知识 inscience; 缺乏智力 misintelligence; 缺乏自信 self-doubt; unsureness; self-distrust
        (木材)滥伐:    deforestation
        边材(木材):    sawood
        长木材:    long cut wood
        大木材:    backlog; summer wood
        方木材:    squared timber
        废木材:    waste wood; wood waste
        腐朽(木材):    rot
        干木材:    desiccated wood; dried wood; seasoned timber
        滚木材:    logrolling
        和木材:    long cut wood
        厚木材:    thick stuff
        将木材:    burnettize
        木材(泛指):    wood
        木材,柴火:    firewood
        木材厂:    lumber mill; timber mill
        木材车:    pole wagon


  1. "木材切碎机"英文
  2. "木材切削"英文
  3. "木材青腐"英文
  4. "木材青面织维层"英文
  5. "木材清漆"英文
  6. "木材缺陷"英文
  7. "木材缺陷图谱"英文
  8. "木材染料"英文
  9. "木材染色"英文
  10. "木材染色剂"英文


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