木材加工: wood processing和: mix; blend建筑材料: building material; construct ...部长: minister; head of a departme ...建筑和建筑材料工业部长: building and building materials industry minister; minister of building and building materials industry建筑木材和建筑材料工业工人工会国际: trade unions international of workers of the building wood and building materials industries建筑材料和建筑物: construction materials and building原酶建筑和建筑材料: construction and building materials木材加工: die holzbearbeitung; holzbearbeitung die; timberwork; wood processing; wood working; woodworking木材加工厂: wood-working factory木材加工机: woodworking machines木材加工业: wood-processing industry; wood-working industry建筑木材和建筑材工业工人工会国际: trade unions international of workers of the building wood and building materials industries; uibwm建筑和建筑材料工业委员会: commission for building and building materials industry木材加工废料: wood-curing waste; wood-curingwaste木材加工工厂: mill木材加工工业: wood processing industry; woodworking industry木材加工机械: woodworking machine木材加工技术: wood technology processes木材加工刨床: woodworking planer木材加工缺陷: defects of process木材加工业者: lumberjack阿拉伯水泥和建筑材料联合会: arab federation for cement and building materials多哥大理石和建筑材料公司: sotoma; togolaise de marbrerie et materiaux societe; togolaise de marbrerie et materiaux, societe住房和建筑材料问题工作队: working party on housing and building materials