木材: wood; timber; lumber; log; l ...储备: store for future use; lay in ...协会: association; society; instit ...管材储备: tubing inventory木材储量: timber reserves加工设备协会: process plant association燃气设备协会: gama粉末冶金设备协会: powder metallurgy equipment association工业加热设备协会: industrial heating equipment association美国防务准备协会: american defense preparation association美国国防战备协会: american defense preparedness association全国卡车设备协会: national truck equipment association英国近海设备协会: british offshore equipment association基督徒事奉装备协会: christians equipped for ministry卡车车身和设备协会: truck body and equipment a ociation; truck body and equipment association科学家反对核军备协会: scientists against nuclear armaments美国农场和工业设备协会: american farm and industrial equipment institute英国商船运输设备协会: british merchant marine equipment association英国渔船和小船设备协会: british fishing and small vessel equipment association欧洲工业用锅炉和供暖设备协会委员会: cecof; european committee of industrial furnace and heating equipment associations欧洲商业坏数据处理设备协会: european association of manufacturers of business machines data processing equipment欧洲商业机械数据处理设备协会: eurobit; european association of manufacturers of business machines data processing equipment美国木材防腐协会: american wood preserving association(awpa); awpa木材加工业协会: hardwood manufacturers association木材业协会条款: timber trade federation clauses