At a party mrs runbold put away five cakes and three bottles of beer 在一个晚会上,朗博尔德太太吃了五块蛋糕,喝了三瓶啤酒。
Quietly , unassumingly , rumbold stepped on to the scaffold in faultless morning dress and wearing his favourite flower the gladiolus cruentus 朗博尔德身穿笔挺的常礼服,佩带着一朵他心爱的血迹斑斑的剑兰花217 ,安详谦逊地走上断头台。
He announced his presence by that gentle rumboldian cough which so many have tried unsuccessfully to imitate - short , painstaking yet withal so characteristic of the man 他凭着轻轻的一声朗博尔德派头的咳嗽通知了自己的到来。这种咳嗽多少人想模仿却学不来:短促,吃力而富有特色。
H . rumbold , master barber in a bloodcoloured jerk in and tanner s apron , a rope coiled over his shoulder mounts the block . a life preserver and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his belt 高级理发师霍朗博尔德167穿着血红色紧身皮背心,系着揉皮工人的围裙,肩上扛着盘成一圈的绳子,爬上绞刑架。