服用: take毒品: narcotic drugs; narcotics; h ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...迷茫: vast and hazy孩子: child关于滥用毒品的纪录片: a documentary on/about drug abuse青春的迷茫: rebel without a cause滥用毒品 滥用毒品: drug abuse滥用毒品: drug abuse; nida禁止贩运毒品和非法使用毒品的纽约宣言: new york declaration against drug trafficking and the illicit use of drugs毒品的: narco反毒品的: anti drug嗅毒品的: rescued her - is finally finishing uher training to become a drug-sniffing强迫性过量使用毒品: the excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging one’s health反对服用麻醉品的: antidrug用毒: poison use; poisonuse; potion use迷茫: 1.(广阔而看不清) vast and hazy 远处一片迷茫。 it's vast and hazy in the distance.2.(迷离恍惚) confused; perplexed; dazed 迷茫的神情 a confused look服用: take (medicine)人工耐毒逐步加量服用毒物使产生抗毒性: mithridatise; mithridatize提高全民反毒品的意识: raise the consciousness of the entire people vs. drugs制造与贩卖毒品的团伙: drug cartel毒品: narcotic drugs; narcotics; hard drug; burning rope; poison◇毒品贩子 drug trafficker [pusher]; 毒品走私犯 drug trafficker〔美俚〕出售假的或劣质毒品的人。: burn artist管有可用作注射毒品的工具: possession of apparatus fit and intended for injection of dangerous drugs有关毒品的刑事措施国际调查: international survey on drug-related penal measures