有: 5年 fifteen years鼠害: damage by wild rat; infest; rodent有鼠标吗: is there a mouse鼠害成灾: be infested with rats鼠害蔓延: be infested with rats咬的鼠害: rodent鼠类生物学及鼠害防治: rodents biology and rodents control遭受鼠害和其它病虫害: suffer damage from rats and other pests只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性: only a short sighted man will lose sight of the importance of education有属于自己的青空: and you take the sky有树干性草原: tree steppe有署名的声明: a statement with signature有树林的: wooded有赎回权: subject to call有树木的: timbered有书闭卷不阅读: a borrowed cloak does not keeone warm有树皮的: corticated有书本知识的: booklearned