有限: limited; restricted; finite; ...观测: observe; observation; viewin ...时间: time; hour观测时间: observation time; observing interval; time of observation标准观测时间: standard time of observation实际观测时间: actual time of observation基本天气观测时间: main standard time; synoptic hour观测时: hour of observation定时观测时: term hour观测时段: observing session观测时期: observation period观测时有雪: recent snow观测时有雨: recent rain电磁波测距最佳观测时间段: the most favorable time interval of edm观测时有雷暴: recent thunderstorm观测时有阵雪: recent snow showers上午测太阳时间与中午中天观测时间间隔: noon interval监测时间表: monitoring schedule检测时间: inspection time探测时间: acquisition time; detection time校测时间: testing time观测时有的雷暴: recent thunderstorm观测时有毛毛雨: recent drizzle观测时有雨夹雪: recent rain and snow故障探测时间: fault location time