有: 5年 fifteen years闲: not busy; idle; unoccupied阶级: class; step论: The Analects of Confucius有闲阶级: leisure class; the idle class有闲阶级的人, 无职业者: a gentleman at large有闲的: leisured阶级: (social) class; step 剥削阶级 exploiting class; 被剥削阶级 exploited class; 官僚资产阶级 bureaucrat bourgeoisie; 垄断资产阶级 monopoly bourgeoisie; 买办资产阶级 comprador(e) bourgeoisie; 民族资产阶级 national bourgeoisie; 无产阶级 proletariat; 小资产阶级 petty bourgeoisie; 有产阶级 propertied class; 资产阶级 bourgeoisie; 自为阶级 class in itself; 自在阶级 class for itself; 阶级报复 class-revenge; 阶级本能 class instinct; 阶级本性 class character; 阶级本质 class nature; 阶级差别 class difference; 阶级成分 class status; 阶级冲突 class conflict; 阶级出身 class origin; 阶级斗争 class struggle; 阶级斗争熄灭论 theory of dying out class struggle; 阶级对抗 class antagonism; 阶级队伍 class ranks; 阶级分化 class polarization; 阶级分析 class analysis; 阶级感情 class feeling; 阶级根源 class origin; 阶级基础 class basis; 阶级较量 trials of class strength; 阶级觉悟 class consciousness; 阶级烙印 brand of a class; 阶级立场 class attitude; class stand [standpoint; position]; 阶级力量的对比 balance of class forces; 阶级利益 class interests; 阶级路线 class line; 阶级矛盾 class contradictions; 阶级性 class character; class nature; 阶级友爱 class love; class solidarity; 阶级阵线 class alignment超级论坛: leobbs目标级论证: object level reasoning有闲俱乐部: pmpavc; yukan club有闲资本家: idle capitalist太傻超级论坛: noq6nr yp!z高深论文, 高级论文: advanced treatise很少有闲空的人们: people with scanty leisure没有闲功夫看电视: it's time for class没有闲心管这种事: not be in the mood to bother about such matters高阶级: high rank阶级高: high ranking阶级式: hierarchical阶级性: class nature阶级窑: ascending kiln宏观分析与高级论题: real estate finance & investments ii: macro-level analysis & advanced topics盼盼的家园极酷超级论坛: m4s{r人类基本需要等级论: theo ryofhumanneeds hierarchy