有: 5年 fifteen years道理: principle; truth; hows and w ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...没有道理的: beyond all reason似有道理的: glossy好像有道理的: he’s incredulous about the realty plausible似乎有道理的: plausible a几乎是没有道理的: there's little justification for假定…是很有道理的: it is quite reasonable to assume that你说得挺有道理的: you've got a point there似有道理的解释: plausible explanation听起来蛮有道理的: that sounds reasonable合理的,有道理的通情 达理的,讲道理的: reasonable a有道理: get a point; hold water; make sense; to stand to reason看似矛盾其实有道理的: paradoxical对,有道理: oh yeah讲话有道理: talk sense没有道理: beyond reason说得有道理: have a point说话有道理: speak sense; talk sense似有道理: plausibility有道理, 合理: with reason有道理,讲得通: make sense有道理地: justifiably真有道理: be the spirit