有: 5年 fifteen years许多: many; much; a great deal of; ...成名有许多: there are many ways to fame拥有许多比: mysql有许多朋友: friends有许多时间: have time on one’s hands你有许多时间: you have got plenty of time他有许多长处: he has many good qualities我有许多朋友: i have many friends有许多缺口的: castellated有许多新朋友: have many new friends有许多颜色的: many hued; manyhued长有许多毛的胸部: a hairy chest成名有许多渠道: there are many ways to fame还有许多工作要做: much still remains to be done美国有许多制衣厂: in the united states ,there are many factories for making cloth山上有许多苹果树: behind the house is a small hill with many apple trees planted on it他有许多话要说: so much he can say,我没有许多财产: i do not have a fortune拥有许多地产的: acred有许多部分组成的: complete有许多共同之处: have a lot in common; have many things in common有许多花钱甚多: burn money有许多朋友的兔子: the hare with many friends有许多缺点的体系: a system/person with many shortcomings