Rhythmicility or periodicity of the depositional strata is materialized by the transformations of lithological characters in strata ordinally , and it is incarnated by the transformations of ingredient , granularity , color , intensity of the depositional compensation , intensity of oxidation - deoxidation , and the character of biome 沉积岩层的韵律性或旋回性特征由岩层的岩石学性质在纵向上的(随时间的)有规律变化所决定,这些变化主要由以下方面所体现,包括:组分变化、粒度变化、颜色变化、沉积补偿强度变化、氧化还原强度变化,以及化石群性质变化等。
Three series of absorbent powder samples were synthesized by the high - temperature solid - state method : the first is that fe / ti mol proportion in the material changes regularly ; the other one is that different thuliums doped in the same absorbent ; the last series is the absorbent was doped by different content thulium . the permittivity and permeability of the modified ilmenite absorbents were systematically measured 通过使原料中金属离子的摩尔比例( fe ti )作有规律变化、在同一基质中掺杂同含量的不同稀土金属以及改变同种稀土金属的掺杂量等手段,采用高温固相合成法制备了不同系列可供进行吸波性能研究的钛酸亚铁类化合物吸收剂。