有: 5年 fifteen years良心: conscience有良心的: conscientious有良心的人: people with a conscience正直,有良心的: conscientious没有良心, 失去良知: have no conscience不要对我有良心谴责: go easy on my conscience上有天,下有地,中间有良心: Above is heaven,below is earth and a true heart is in the middle.上有天下有地中间有良心: above is heaven below is earth and a true heart is in the middle良心: conscience 良心不安 have an uneasy conscience; 良心丧尽 utterly conscienceless; 没良心 ungrateful; heartless; 说句良心话 to be fair; in all fairness; 违背良心 against one's conscience; 有良心的人 people with a conscience; good-hearted people; 受良心谴责 have sth. on one's conscience; 为求良心的安宁for conscience's sake; 依照良心行事 make sth. a matter of conscience; 昧着良心 outrage one's conscience; 这件事使他的良心痛苦不安。 the matter weighed upon his conscience 陈有良: chen youliang坏良心: heartless; a depraved conscience良心,良知: conscience良心犯: prisoner of conscience良心上: conscientiously没良心: without conscience; heartless; unconscionable; ungrateful昧良心: ignore one's conscience具有良好: good密封有良的: poorly sealed有良好教育: well-educated有良好声誉: stand fair with有良好疗效的: eutherapeutic有良好制振性: fe非洲的良心: conscience africaine富人的良心: the conscience of the rich