秘: secret; mysterious和: mix; blend阴谋: plot; scheme; conspiracy情节: plot; story的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...小说: novel; fiction; story几乎没有什么情节的小说: a novel almost without plot情节曲折的小说: a novel with an intricate plot情节错综复杂的小说: a novel with an intricate plot有神经节的: gangliated; ganglionated情节扣人心弦的小说、戏剧电影: thriller神秘小说: thriller/ mystery story引起神秘和恐怖感觉的: ieri iri神秘小说,侦探小说: mysteryjoyce的小说: farwicker hcc乏味的小说: an innocuous novel未来的小说: the novel of future最佳的小说: a classic novel work of scholarship game of football而充满情节的书本: and the book of events情节的离奇曲折: the bizarre convolutions of the plot情节的突然转变: peripeteia小说的情节梗概: scenarios却有神秘的变异使自然: yet a druidic difference奥斯汀的小说: the novels of jane austen狄更斯的小说: dickens' novels