有理: reasonable; justified; in th ...等价: of equal value; equal in val ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...双有理等价: rational mapping有理等价类群: rational equivalence class group; rationalequivalenceclassgroup等价的: (be)of equal value; equal in value; equipollence; equipollency; equipollent; equivalent; isovalent; tantamount策略等价的: strategically equivalent代数等价的: algebraically equivalent非等价的: non-equivalent链等价的: chain equivalent拟等价的: quasi equivalent稳定等价的: stable equivalent; stableequivalent等价的二叉树: equivalent of binary tree是完全等价的: select tname tsalary from employee t1 info twhere tname=tname策略等价的传递性: transitivity of strategic equivalence; transitivityofstrategicequivalence策略等价的对称性: symmetry of strategic equivalence策略等价的自反性: reflexivity of strategic equivalence当量,当量的;相当的,等价的: equivalent等价的, 等效的, 等值的: be equivalent to等价的二进制数字: equivalent binary digit等价的二进制因子: equivalent binary digit factor在广义上等价的(矩阵): aequivalent (matrizen) equivalent in the wider sense等值的;同义的;等价的;相等于…的: tantamount生物等价的,生物效价等值的: bioequivalent有理: 1.(有道理) reasonable; justified; in the right 有理、 有利、 有节 on just grounds, to our advantage and with restraint2.[数学] rational; 有理函数 rational function; 有理数 rational number