Poly - crystallization silicon thin film transistor ( p - si tft ) addressing liquid crystal display has been currently the research and development focus in the field of flat panel displays , as it is most feasible approach to high resolution , high integration and low power consumption as a result of its high aperture ration . there are less number interface of the crystal grain , lower metal impurity and higher mobility in the electric current director , the milc p - si tft has been the research focus in the fields of amlcd , projection display , oled etc . there are vast dangling bonds and bug 多晶硅薄膜晶体管( p - sitft )液晶显示器可以实现高分辨率、高集成度、同时有效降低显示器的功耗,因而成为目前平板显示领域主要研究方向;而以横向晶化多晶硅为有源层的tft由于在导电方向有更少的晶界、更低的金属杂质污染、更高的载流子迁移率而成为目前有源矩阵液晶显示领域、投影显示、 oled显示等领域研究的热点。