他说话有板有眼: whatever he says is well presented她唱得有板有眼: she sings rhythmically有孔有板: aperture disk有眼力,有眼光: have an eye for sth天有眼: comeuppance有眼的: eyed有眼端: eye end; eyeend有眼钩: eye hook有眼管: perforated pipe有眼光: have good taste 我说呀, 你真有眼光。 i must say that you have good taste有眼界: go over the horizon; horizontal horizontal有眼力: have an eye for老板有钱: friends with money箱板有钉洞: case with nail holes箱板有钉眼: cases with nail holes她做事很有板眼: she is very methodical in her work苍天有眼: cang tian you yan大地有眼: (the land has eyes) yc; the land has eyes隔篱有眼: hedges have eyes walls have ears隔墙有眼: suite 16隔山有眼: the hill have eyes; the hills have eyes隔山有眼2: the hills have eyes 2老天爷有眼: heaven isn't blind.; old heaven has eyes.; there is divine justice after all篱笆有眼: hedges have eyes and walls have ears有版本: versioning有搬运力量的: portative
有板有眼的日语:〈成〉 (1)(歌の歌い方が)リズミカルでよく調子に合っている. (2)〈喩〉(言動が)よろしきを得ている,程合いをわきまえている.(特に)話がはっきりしていて筋が通っている.有板有眼的韩语:【성어】 (1)노래나 음악이 박자에 잘 맞다. 他唱起来有板有眼, 一点儿都不乱; 그는 노래하면 박자가 잘 맞아 조금도 틀리지 않는다 (2)(언행이) 논리 정연하다. (일하는데) 빈틈없다. 차근차근하다. 他说话有板有眼; 그는 말을 논리 정연하게 한다 他做起事来有板有眼的; 그는 일을 하면 빈틈없이 꼼꼼하게 한다有板有眼的俄语:pinyin:yǒubǎnyǒuyǎn 1) такт в такт; чеканно, размеренно, согласованно 2) методичный, четкий, стройный (о речи)有板有眼什么意思:yǒu bǎn yǒu yǎn 【解释】比喻言语行动有条理、有步调。 【示例】他说起话来~,办起事来头头是道。 【拼音码】ybyy 【灯谜面】凳子上钻窟窿;刷子掉了毛;光屁股坐板凳相;打靶 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于人的言行或做事 【英文】measured