The cone super subdifferential stability of super efficiency points set of multiobjective programming with perturbation 扰动多目标规划超有效点集的锥超次微分稳定性
By use of effective point mobility , the demerits of traditional study of mobility can be made up , and effective point mobility makes the investigation of the vibration and radiation of structures under complicated excitation possible , which exists in real world widely 系统地、清晰地论述了有效点导纳的定义和其特点,有效导纳不仅可以弥补传统导纳研究中存在的局限性,而且将实际工程中普遍存在的复杂激励的问题纳入了研究范围。
In this paper , a concept of strictly efficient solution of the optimization problem for a set - valued mapping is introduced . it is proved that strictly efficient point set of the objective space is connected when objective function is cone convex - like , and that if objective function is cone convex set - valued mapping , then strictly efficient solution set is also connected . as an interesting application of the results in this paper , the connectedness of super efficient solution sets is discussed 本文对集值映射最优化问题引入严有效解的概念.证明了当目标函数为锥类凸的集值映射时,其目标空间里的严有效点集是连通的;若目标函数为锥凸的集值映射时,其严有效解集也是连通的.作为应用,讨论了超有效解集的连通性