有效: effective; valid; efficaciou ...射击: shoot; fire时间: time; hour有效射击: effective fire射击时间: shooting time有效射击距离: decisive shooting range; effective firing range交锋射击时间: gun time per engagement开始射击时间: commence firing time最短射击时间: minimum firing time有效射程: effective firing range; effective range of fire; effective range of jet; effective reach; effective shooting distance; projection有效射高: effective shooting altitude有效射界: effective field of fire有效射流: effective stream有效射束: useful beam有效射速: effective rate of fire有效射线: effective gun bore line火炮有效射程: gunfire range最大有效射程: maximum effective range最大有效射高: effective fire ceiling最大有效射速: maximum effective rate of fire冲击时间: attack time出击时间: jump off time攻击时间: time of attack截击时间: time to intercept撞击时间: time of impact