

  • active cooling surface
  • effective cooling surface


        有效:    effective; valid; efficaciou ...
        冷却:    cool off
        :    face
        有效冷却面积:    active cooling surface
        有效冷却的:    actively cooled; actively-cooled
        有效冷却表面:    active cooling surface
        有效冷却水量:    effective amount of cooling water
        冷却面:    cooling front; cooling surface; heat absorbent surface; heat-absorbent surface; refrigerating surface; refrigeration surface
        冷却面积:    area of cooling surface; cooling area; cooling surface
        冷却面温度:    cold-boundary temperature
        液氮冷却面:    liquid nitrogen cooled surface
        有效冷量:    useful refrigerating effect
        低温液循环冷却面:    cryopumping surface
        冷凝器冷却面积:    condenser cooling surface; condensercoolingsurface
        多效冷冻机:    multiple effect refrigerator; multiple-effect refrigerator
        多效冷冻器:    multiple effect refrigerator
        单效冷凝蒸馏器:    single condensation still
        冷却:    cooling; burial; chill-down; cooling action; cool(ing) down; cool-off; refrigeration; dying out◇冷却泵 cooling pump; 冷却槽 cooling bath; 冷却池 cooling bay; 冷却水箱 cooling water tank; 冷却塔 [工业] cooling tower; 冷却箱 cooler bin; cooler housing; cooling tank; cooling box; 冷却旋管 cooling worm; cooling coil
        有效:    effective; valid; efficacious 采取有效措施 take effective measures; 这张车票3日内有效。 this train ticket is valid for three days.; 有效半径 effective radius; 有效保险 insurance in force; 有效成分 active principle; active constituent; 有效范围 effective range; limits of validity; 有效功率 effective power; 有效能 available energy; 有效时间 effective time; net time; 有效寿命 useful life; actual life; 有效数字 significant digit; significant figure; 有效载荷 payload
        冷却槽, 冷却桶:    colling tank
        冷却器;冷却剂:    cooler
        冷却室;冷却器:    chiller
        有效性,有效期:    validity
        泵冷却:    pump cooling
        初冷却:    initial chilling


  1. "有效雷诺数"英文
  2. "有效镭含量"英文
  3. "有效冷量"英文
  4. "有效冷却表面"英文
  5. "有效冷却的"英文
  6. "有效冷却面积"英文
  7. "有效冷却水量"英文
  8. "有效离子半径"英文
  9. "有效离子电荷"英文
  10. "有效离子直径"英文


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