The following day , similar activities were held at the kinmen utopia family . the event began with lighthearted singing and humorous remarks to warm up the atmosphere before the seminar 活动开始,先以歌声欢语拉进彼此的距离,随后则有弘法讲座,并致赠慰问金及月饼等。
Whenever the busan initiates have the opportunity to spread our beloved master s teachings as they did at the miryang video seminar , they show their deep gratitude to her , praying that many other people receive the benefits of her blessing and come to know the truth 每当有弘法的机会,釜山同修总是很感激师父,并祈愿有更多的同胞从中获益认识真理。
有: 5年 fifteen years弘: great; grand; magnificent有红玫瑰色之城: ville rose有宏视图: views with macros有红色树液的树: bloodwood有宏: yuko有红头发的女人: redhead有恒心就能胜利: perseverance leads to success有红外线装置的飞机: infrared-equipped aircraft有恒心的人: a person of perseverance有喉音的: burry有恒路: yuheng road