

  • finite decimal
  • terminating decimal
  • :    5年 fifteen years
  • :    exhaust; finish
  • 小数:    decimal; small number; decim ...
  • 无尽小数:    infinite decimal; non terminating decimal; non terminating fraction; non-terminating decimal; unlimited decimal
  • 小数:    [数学] decimal (number); small number; decimal fraction


        :    5年 fifteen years
        :    exhaust; finish
        小数:    decimal; small number; decim ...
        无尽小数:    infinite decimal; non terminating decimal; non terminating fraction; non-terminating decimal; unlimited decimal
        小数:    [数学] decimal (number); small number; decimal fraction
        有尽的:    finite
        有尽解:    finite solution
        小数;小数的:    decimal
        应有尽有:    have everything that one expects to find; have all that is necessary; have all the things one desires; have everything under the sun; have an abundant supply; have everything that one could wish for; there is everything that should be there.: 那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的, 应有尽有。 the store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or what have you. 这家商店日用品应有尽有。 this general store has just about everything you could wish for
        有尽的义务:    owe
        有尽连分数:    terminating continued fraction
        有尽有让:    reciprocally decline out of modesty
        变小数:    ftor
        纯小数:    decimal fraction; decimalfraction
        带小数:    mixed decimal
        分数,小数:    fraction
        拟小数:    quasi-decimal
        小数的:    decimal; fractional; fractionary
        小数点:    radix point; decimal point
        小数分:    rating point
        小数目:    peanut; small numbers
        小数位:    decimal place
        小数型:    decimal type
        小数制:    decimal system
        用小数:    decimally



  1. "有浸透性的"英文
  2. "有尽的"英文
  3. "有尽的义务"英文
  4. "有尽解"英文
  5. "有尽连分数"英文
  6. "有尽有让"英文
  7. "有劲的"英文
  8. "有劲头的面筋"英文
  9. "有劲头的面筋;有弹性的面筋"英文
  10. "有茎的"英文


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