

发音:   用"有害的东西"造句
  • nuisance
  • 有害:    harmful; pernicious; detrime ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 东西:    thing
  • 有害的:    adverse; bad; baleful; banefulness; deleteriois; deleterious; destructive; detrimental; disadvantageous; economic; harmful (adj); harmful a. damaging; harmgul; hurtful; ill; inimicable; insalubrious; maleficent; malign; mischievous; nocent; nocuous; noisome; noxious beneficial; noxious---harmful to living things; injurious to health; objectionable; obnoxious; pernicious; pestilential; poisonous; prejudicial; social evil; socialevil; toxic - beneficial
  • 有害的, 伤害的:    harmful


  1. To the larger work i think you are only a detriment now .
  2. People are always naturally more attracted to things that are bad for them than they are to things that are good for them
  3. In the morning you look at yourself , your face looks black . something poisonous is inside you . released is some poison that makes you feel very tired , get old quickly , and not look so fresh and young anymore
  4. Protection products like lotions used to protect hands from exposure to chemicals and uv protectants can be applied to help protect your skin from the things that would attack your skin if these harmful things could come into direct contact with your skin
  5. They were of use , not because they made the patient swallow drugs , mostly injurious the injury done by them was hardly perceptible because they were given in such small doses . they were of use , were needed , were indispensable in fact for the same reason that there have always been , and always will be , reputed healers , witches , homopaths and allopaths , because they satisfied the moral cravings of the patient and those who loved her




  1. "有害的,有毒的"英文
  2. "有害的;引起瘟疫的"英文
  3. "有害的;有毒(素)的"英文
  4. "有害的;有毒的;致使的;恶性的"英文
  5. "有害的不利条件缺点"英文
  6. "有害的副作用"英文
  7. "有害的化学物质"英文
  8. "有害的或不利的"英文
  9. "有害的金属氧化物"英文
  10. "有害的举止行为"英文


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