有: 5年 fifteen years多种: multiple; various; diversifi ...意义: meaning; sense; purport的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有多种意义性: multivalence有些词有多种意思: praesentation多义的,有多种解释的: polysemous抓住控制(抓住控制器)(这句有多种意思): grasping to control某种意义上: in a sense in a way; in a way意义的: content从某种意义上: in some sense从某种意义说: in a sense在各种意义上: in every sense在某种意义上: in a manner; in a se e; in a sense/way; in a way; in some sense有多种兴趣: have diverse interests富有意义的: having important meaning or value; pregnant毫无意义的: skimble-skamble历史意义的: the tianan men square in beijing is witness to some historic同意义的: convertible; equivalent无意义的: empty; insignifican; meaningless; non significant; nonsense; nonsensical; nonsignificant; purportless; senselessness; simple; unmeaning无意义的话: jabberwocky无意义的字: buzz words意义的分岐: polysemy有意义的: consequential; interesting; meaningful; significant; significative在意义的: significant