有: 5年 fifteen years四: four照相: take a picture; take picture ...舱口: hatch; hatchway; port; scutt ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...前: front段: section; segment; part; para ...有照相舱口的前段: photographic sighting nose照相舱口: camera hatch; camera port照相舱: camera bay; camera capsule有四个漏斗形导向承口的导向架: four-funnel guide frame有四个角的: quadricorn一个照相馆: a photo shop你们有四个人: you have four people有四个音节的: quadrisyllabic有四个正面的: quadrifrontal前段照相术: photography of anterior segment包含有四个字母的: quadriliteral我们总共有四个人: there are four of us altogether有四个角或边的: tetragonal这个系有四个专业the: special line给她一个照相机: get her a camera这个照相机漏光: the camera has a light leak舱口的边围板: side coaming具有四个等位基因的位点: a locus with four alleles