有利: advantageous; beneficial; fa ...指数: index number; index福利指数: index of welfare获利指数: profitability index进口盈利指数: import profit indices马歇尔埃奇沃思-鲍利指数: marshall-edgeworth-bowleyindex有利: advantageous; beneficial; favourable 有利于集体 advantageous to the collective; 有利于健康 beneficial to health; 有利于改进领导作风 help improve the style of leadership; 有利的机遇 good opportunity; opportunity time; 有利于国计民生 be beneficial to national welfare and the people's livelihood; 有利于打败侵略者 contribute to the defeat of the aggressors; 有利地位 catbird seat; 有利地形 [军事] favourable terrain; 有利汇兑 favourable exchange; 有利价格 remunerative price; 有利时机 opportune time; 有利条件 favourable condition; advantage; 有利投资 lucrative investment福利指标: indicator of welfare股利指令: dividend mandate权利指派: user rights assignment盈利指标: profitability index; profitability measure市场便利指标: market facilitation index国民净福利指标: net national welfare哈里克获利指标: herrick payoff index核心福利指标问卷: core welfare indicator questionnaire指数: 1.[经] (比数) index number; index 生活费指数 cost of living index; 物价指数 price index; 综合指数 composite index2.[数学] exponent 负指数 negative exponent; 正指数 positive exponent比……有利: compare favourably/competitively with对有利: in one's favour(=to one's advantage); to the advantage of sb优越, 有利: have it有利;更加: to advantage有利比: advantage ratio有利的: advantaged; advantageous; available; be beneficial to; expedient; favorable; favored; favourable; fruitful; furthersome; lucrative a. profitable; paying; remunerative有利地: advantageously; at an advantage; favorably; highly; profitably; to advantage有利态: favoured state有利条: advantage