有: 5年 fifteen years其父: his father必: certainly; necessarily; sure ...其: his子: son有其父必有其女: 93.like father,like daughter; br /94.like father,like daughter; i ought to be in pictures其母必有其子: jordan's mum有其母则有其子: like mother,like son有其母必有其女: like mother like daughter有其师必有其徒: like teacher like pupil. model有其主必有其仆: like master, like man [servant]蓄物必有其用: lay things by, they many come to use其父其子: a chip of the old block班森 希伯来,英国 具有其父般性格人: benson耕者有其田: land to the tiller工有其技: making work skilled居者有其屋: home ownership scheme空有其名: only nominally确有其人: there is indeed such a person确有其事: this is the case.; it actually [really] happened.; there is really such a thing人各有其短: every bean has its black若有其事的: solemn实有其事: it's a fact徒有其表: have a good appearance only; be reduced to pure form; good look without substantial ability; keep up appearances -- outward show; look impressive but lack real worth; save up appearance徒有其表的: specious