有关: have sth. to do with; have a ...电路: circuit; electric circuit; e ...和: mix; blend磁: squeak; chirp; peep路: road; way; path的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...规定: stipulate; provide有关包装的规定: instructions concerning packing有关税收的规定: tax-related provisions有关住房的规定: rules of the house饱和磁路: saturable magnetic circuit; saturation magnetic circuit有关电学和磁学的其他标准: other standards related to electricity and magnetism匝链磁路的: linkage有关进出口业务的规定: as regards import and export business it is stipulated as follows有关提交技术资料的规定: stipuations concerning the delivery of technical information有关资金信贷的规定: as regards capital and credits it is stipulated as follows有关资料交换的规定: exchange of information rules有关电的: electrical有关电地: electrically有关电视: regarding television有关电视的: television related; television-related有关电影的: cinematic电路的: hardwired必须在有关物业居住的规定: live-in requirement阀开关电路: valve control circuit