

发音:   用"有关全局"造句
  • have a bearing on the situation as a whole
  • 有关:    have sth. to do with; have a ...
  • 全局:    overall situation; whole sit ...
  • 有关全站仪:    nikon dym 530
  • 全局:    overall situation; whole situation; situation as a whole 从全局利益出发安排工作 plan the work with an eye to the interests of the whole; 全局性问题 a matter of overall importance; 树立全局观点 adopt an overall point of view; 通观全局 take a comprehensive view of the general situation; 影响全局 affect the overall situation; 统筹全局 keep the overall situation in mind and plan accordingly; 摆正局部与全局的关系 maintain a proper relationship between the part and the whole; 全局观点 overall point of view; 全局利益 interests of the whole; general interests
  • 有关:    have sth. to do with; have a bearing on; relate to; concern; be in [with] relation to; involve; have relations with; in the way of; in [with] regard to; be connected with; in connection with; be [get; keep] in with 有关地理方面的书籍 books about geography; 有关人员 persons concerned; 有关全局 have a bearing on the situation as a whole; 这些问题都跟哲学有关。 all these questions relate to philosophy. 这与你有关。 this has sth. to do with you.; 有关部门 the department concerned; 有关当局 the authorities concerned; the proper authorities; 有关当事人 the party concerned; 有关方面 the parties concerned; 有关事实 relevant facts; 有关文件 the relevant documents; 有关证件 pertinent certificate; 有关证据 relevant testimony; 有关主管机关 competent authority; 有关组织 related organization


  1. For more information about the global catalog , which is part of active directory , see windows 2000 help
  2. A company ’ s strategy consists of a set of competitive moves and business approaches that management is employing to run the company
  3. Business strategy is the significant development plan of the whole enterprise made based on its future and to maintain and strive for sustained competitive advantage . every enterprise must , in working out its strategy , take the existence and development as starting point and end result according to its characteristics and advantage
  4. Finally , some properties of limits set of the solution of the dde with local monotone in the delay term are given . moreover , using the above discrete lyapunov functional , we prove that the poincare - bendixson theorem holds for some solutions of this dde . in chapter 4 , detail analysis of the global attractor for three particular classes of delay differential equations in concrete applications are given


        有关:    have sth. to do with; have a ...
        全局:    overall situation; whole sit ...
        有关全站仪:    nikon dym 530
        全局:    overall situation; whole situation; situation as a whole 从全局利益出发安排工作 plan the work with an eye to the interests of the whole; 全局性问题 a matter of overall importance; 树立全局观点 adopt an overall point of view; 通观全局 take a comprehensive view of the general situation; 影响全局 affect the overall situation; 统筹全局 keep the overall situation in mind and plan accordingly; 摆正局部与全局的关系 maintain a proper relationship between the part and the whole; 全局观点 overall point of view; 全局利益 interests of the whole; general interests
        有关:    have sth. to do with; have a bearing on; relate to; concern; be in [with] relation to; involve; have relations with; in the way of; in [with] regard to; be connected with; in connection with; be [get; keep] in with 有关地理方面的书籍 books about geography; 有关人员 persons concerned; 有关全局 have a bearing on the situation as a whole; 这些问题都跟哲学有关。 all these questions relate to philosophy. 这与你有关。 this has sth. to do with you.; 有关部门 the department concerned; 有关当局 the authorities concerned; the proper authorities; 有关当事人 the party concerned; 有关方面 the parties concerned; 有关事实 relevant facts; 有关文件 the relevant documents; 有关证件 pertinent certificate; 有关证据 relevant testimony; 有关主管机关 competent authority; 有关组织 related organization
        安全局:    security bureau
        全局的:    global; in the large
        全局地:    globally
        全局段:    global section
        全局光:    global illumination gi; global light
        全局码:    global title translation; gt global title
        全局区:    global area
        全局锁:    global lock
        全局网:    gan global area network; global net
        全局性:    globality
        全局域:    global scope
        全局栈:    global stack
        全局组:    gg:global group; global group
        全体;全局:    global
        州住房机关全国理事会:    national council of state housing agencies
        全局引用, 全局调用:    global reference
        安全局局长:    chief of the security bureau
        从全局出发:    proceed from the situation as a whole
        存贮为全局:    save as global
        大气保全局:    air quality bureau


  1. "有关签证的法规"英文
  2. "有关钱的谚语"英文
  3. "有关强制性禁令之行政诉讼"英文
  4. "有关青年活动机构间非正式技术小组"英文
  5. "有关曲线"英文
  6. "有关全站仪"英文
  7. "有关热成像制品的术语"英文
  8. "有关热力学的其他标准"英文
  9. "有关人口事项"英文
  10. "有关人士"英文


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